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Emg Group [Other Country]

Country/Region: Other Country

Solar Panel, Solar System, Home Solar Power System  [Other Country]

Update Time: 2011-01-18
Valid to: Never Expired
Detailed Description: Dear Sir We are looking for solar system, solar power and solar roof manufacturer, supplier for Africa that support and provide for the below: 1) solar power to provide light , current for the following in 24 hours guesthouse with 8 air-condition of 9000 BTU, 10 Fen, 40-50 light bulb, 2 freezers, 1 refrigerator, 3 TV, 6 computers, 1 stove 2) Solar roof (solar panel) 3) Yard and street light 8 hours Max/ day Dry time: sun shine from 7 AM to 6 PM Raining time: rains 5-8 hours /day No electricity in the area at all Please send us your quotation CIF Monrovia, Liberia West Africa with photo and detail spcs.
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Mr. EMG Group
Emg Group
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